If you are a man and you are in Las Vegas (visiting or if you live here locally), you are invited to get together in person with the artist/storyteller Madeira Desouza. This get-together is held at a local place of business in Las Vegas open to the public where you can purchase an adult beverage or two.
This social get-together is 100% free of charge and open to the public for fellowship purposes (friendly get-togethers with people who share a common interest or enjoy doing something together with others who are like-minded.) This is not about selling sex or selling anything else.

The artist/storyteller Madeira Desouza is an openly gay male who enjoys getting together with other adult men who are fond of the masculine male images and stories he has created since 2007.
Reach out to Madeira Desouza by email if you are interested in getting together with him in person in Las Vegas: desouza3d@gmail.com